Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Junk Drawers

So this will make the first post on we have "We have no idea what you are talking about." I am very proud of myself this morning, I am officially getting rid of the junk drawer! Yes, I know this may sound trivial to some, but for me it's a big accomplishment. People don't understand that you learn to be organized from your parents...you see my father had a junk drawer, and he told me that his mother had a junk drawer...so it is only natural that as a child I would think that a natural way to organize myself was by creating a junk drawer. It contains everything from buttons, to birthday cards, to random photos, to ticket stub from memorable dates, to show programs...For now, much of the random stuff has been moved to file folder called "Photos" and "Momentos." Someday I will have the courage to throw away the momentos, but hey at least they're filed (I just bought my first ever filing cabinet ever this week). I'm am still trying to figure out to do with the buttons, random keys, and batteries....maybe I'll get little tupperware containers and store the buttons with my sewing kit...any advice my super organized readers?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Storing your buttons within the confines of your sewing kit seems like a wise decision to me. However, I'm not inclined to believe that the Tupperware container is going to fit though, unless of course your sewing kit is rather large.

I am a very organized individual and have baskets of every size in all my closets and drawers where everything is stored quite nicely.

~try it~