Can someone please tell me how people like this ever get passed the admissions department of medical schools. This is a thread I started at, and these are the idiotic responses I got. I don't let any of it phaze me, I'm just worried that these are the future doctors of America.... (aka I'm the epileptic).
Saturday, December 30, 2006
How do these people get into medical school?
Posted by
1:17 PM
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Pachelbel Hell
So I thought my fellow musicians out there could appreciate this little Pachelbel rant.
Posted by
5:04 PM
Friday, December 22, 2006
Pre-Med By the Numbers
I am 5 years further behind in my medical career, but I just thought I would try to see if I could compete with Shrodinger's Cat.
Years in school post-BA degree: 2.5
Number of years in formal post-bac pre-med program: 1.5
Number of grades less than an A I have recieved since: 1 (computer science)
Number of sugar free-red bulls: 157
Number of double-tall lowfat lattes: 201
Number of all nighters: 1
Number of hours studying: 3380
Number of model organic molecules I have constructed: 74
Number of boyfriends: 2
Number of ex-boyfriends: 2
Number of ex-boyfriends that work for the company that own this blogging site: 1
Number of ex-boyfriends who call themselves Shrodinger the Cat: 1
Number of times I have chosen a lab partner based on looks: 2
Number of times cute lab partner was married or had a girlfriend (one time his hand was broken, so he didn't have on his wedding band): 2
Number of times I've cursed the entire semester for having chosen lab partner based on looks and not academic ability: 1
Number of times a patient has bit me: 1
Number of times a patient has slapped me: 11 (usually 95 year old Asian ladies)
Number of times a patient has slapped me on the ass: 1
Number of times I was attracted to the patient that slapped me on the ass:0
Number of times I have been asked out by a pyschiatric patient who claimed to be getting out the next day: 3
Number of patients with my birthdate (not year): 2
Number of needles I have been stuck with by HIV positive patients: 1
Number of TB exposures: 1
Number of months I get to take INH because of TB exposure: 6
Number of times I have drawn my own blood: 2
Number of times I gave myself a giant hematoma from drawing my own blood: 1
Number of Episodes of Grey's Anatomy watched: 46 (yes, that's all of them)
Number of times I think I've contracted/have something that I've learned about in physiology: 7
Number of times I really had said disease/condition: 3
Number of male nurses who have flirted with me: 2
Number of doctors who have flirted with me: 1
Number of doctors who have tried to convince me not to go to medical school and go into investing instead: 2
Posted by
8:48 PM
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
School Children
This afternoon I was driving home at around the time school lets out (I live in a predominately African-American and Hispanic neighborhood). The cutest little girl, maybe six years of age, was walking across the street with her pink fluorescent book bag stuffed full of books. In addition, she was dragging behind her a wheeled backpack that was as nearly tall as her (it was the funniest sight). Then, as I drove down another block there was a boy approximately ten years of age. He had a smaller backpack, not quite as stuffed full. Then a middle school student with just a notebook tucked under her arm passed, and finally a couple of high school girls with just purses in their hand. I don't know why I noticed this today or why the trend stuck out to me. I just wondered what happened to all the bright-eyed six-year olds who were excited and eager to learn, and where along the way they stopped being interested in school. I got kind of sad, because I realized that this little girl had so much potential, but that most likely her academic interest would not be supported by family or peers and that in a few years she would loose interest in school.
Posted by
7:59 PM
Junk Drawers
So this will make the first post on we have "We have no idea what you are talking about." I am very proud of myself this morning, I am officially getting rid of the junk drawer! Yes, I know this may sound trivial to some, but for me it's a big accomplishment. People don't understand that you learn to be organized from your see my father had a junk drawer, and he told me that his mother had a junk it is only natural that as a child I would think that a natural way to organize myself was by creating a junk drawer. It contains everything from buttons, to birthday cards, to random photos, to ticket stub from memorable dates, to show programs...For now, much of the random stuff has been moved to file folder called "Photos" and "Momentos." Someday I will have the courage to throw away the momentos, but hey at least they're filed (I just bought my first ever filing cabinet ever this week). I'm am still trying to figure out to do with the buttons, random keys, and batteries....maybe I'll get little tupperware containers and store the buttons with my sewing kit...any advice my super organized readers?
Posted by
9:01 AM
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